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통일연구원 전자도서관


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Finnish Yearbook of International Law: 2010

Jan Klabbers
Portland:,HART PUB,,2013
370 K63f
위치등록번호청구기호 / 출력상태반납예정일
이용 가능 (1)
이용 가능 (1)
  • 등록번호
책 소개
The Finnish Yearbook of International Law aspires to honour and strengthen the Finnish tradition in international legal scholarship. Open to contributions from all over the world and from all persuasions, the Finnish Yearbook stands out as a forum for theoretically informed, high-quality publications on all aspects of public international law, including the international relations law of the European Union. The Finnish Yearbook publishes in-depth articles and shorter notes, commentaries on current developments, book reviews and relevant overviews of Finland's state practice. While firmly grounded in traditional legal scholarship, it is open for new approaches to international law and for work of an interdisciplinary nature. The Finnish Yearbook is published for the Ius Gentium Association (the Finnish Society of International Law) by Hart Publishing. Earlier volumes may be obtained from Martinus Nijhoff, an imprint of Brill Publishers. Further information may be found at www.fybil.org INDIVIDUAL CHAPTERS Please click on the link below to purchase individual chapters from Volume 21 through Ingenta Connect: www.ingentaconnect.com SUBSCRIPTION TO SERIES To place an annual online subscription or a print standing order through Hart Publishing please click on the link below. Please note that any customers who have a standing order for the printed volumes will now be entitled to free online access. www.hartjournals.co.uk/fyil/subs

The Finnish Yearbook publishes in-depth articles and shorter notes, commentaries on current developments, book reviews and relevant overviews of Finland's state practice. While firmly grounded in traditional legal scholarship, it is open for new approaches to international law and for work of an interdisciplinary nature.


Symposium: The International Criminal Court and the Responsibility to Protect Pekka Niemela The International Criminal Court and the Responsibility to Protect: Synergies and Tensions David Chandler Born Posthumously: Rethinking the Shared Characteristics of the ICC and R2P Paivi Kaukoranta Finnish Perspectives on the ICC and R2P Frederic Megret ICC, R2P, and the International Community's Evolving Interventionist Toolkit Sarah M. H. Nouwen Complementarity in Practice: Critical Lessons from the ICC for R2P Anne Orford From Promise to Practice? The Legal Significance of the Responsibility to Protect Concept Kofi Quashigah The Future of the International Criminal Court in African Crisis and Its Relationship with the R2P Project Benjamin N. Schiff Lessons from the ICC for ICC/R2P Convergence Debate: The Law of the Common: Globalization, Property and New Horizons of Liberation John D. Haskell & Paavo Kotiaho Introductory Note Gunther Teubner Societal Constitutionalism and the Politics of the Common Antonio Negri The Law of the Common Articles George Rodrigo Bandeira Galindo Constitutionalism Forever Dorota A. Gozdecka Human Rights, Fundamental Rights and the Common Constitutional Traditions in the Protection of Religious Pluralism and Diversity in Europe - A Study in the Democratic Paradox Robert Knox Strategy and Tactics Pamela Slotte The Religious and the Secular in European Human Rights Discourse Stellan Vinthagen Legal Mobilization and Resistance Movements as Social Constituents of International Law Book Reviews & Review Essays Edited by Rain Liivoja Daniel Janse Olivier Corten, The Law against War: The Prohibition on the use of Force in Contemporary International Law Jan Klabbers Charles Leben, The Advancement of International Law William Schabas David Nersessian, Genocide and Political Groups New Finnish Doctoral Dissertations in International Law Eeva Nykanen Fragmented State Power and Forced Migration: Study on Non-StateActors in Refuge Law Statement by Jan Vedsted-Hansen Rene Uruena No Citizens Here: Global Subjects and Participation in International Law Statement by Wouter Werner Finnish State Practice Virpi Laukkanen Elements of Finnish State Practice in 2009-2010 Ius Gentium Association