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[Deadline Extended: Call for Papers] IJKUS Vol. 33, No. 2 (~October 13, 2024)
2024.10.04 11:15
Korea Institute for National Unification (KINU) has extended the deadline of a call for papers for International Journal of Korean Unification Studies (IJKUS), Vol. 33, No. 2.
IJKUS is a biannual, KCI(Korea Citation Index) candidate journal published on June 30 and December 31. Experts in areas that include, but not limited to, unification, inter-Korean relations, international affairs related to the Korean Peninsula, and issues in Northeast Asia are welcome to submit their papers. 

1. Eligibility
- Doctoral students
- Professors, research fellows, and independent researchers with a doctorate degree
- Experts in the field of North Korean and unification studies or other related areas 
- A person of qualification commensurate with such criteria

2. Journal´s Area of Coverage
- Korean Peninsular issues: inter-Korean relations, unification, and North Korea
- Studies on peace and stability in Northeast Asia
- Foreign policy and international affairs related to the Korean Peninsula, etc.

3. Submission Guide and Deadline
- Length: 6,000-10,000 words (Font size 12), abstract and short biography (approximately 150 words each) ※Use MS-Word only※
- Submission:
(Article should include an abstract and five keywords. Bio should be uploaded in a separate file. The article should not contain any information about the author(s). Please eliminate the information about who created and revised the file in MS) 
- Inquiry:; (Tel) +82 2 2023 8211 (email is preferred)
- Submission Deadline: Monday, October 13, 2024(Korean time)

Submission of a paper will be held to imply that it contains original unpublished work and is not being submitted for publication elsewhere; manuscripts under consideration for publication elsewhere are ineligible. This also assumes the fact that the author abides by the Code of Ethical Behavior and is willing to accept liability, if one fails to meet the Code of Ethical Behavior.
We provide an honorarium for the articles that have been chosen for publication. For more information, please refer to the Manuscript Guideline. Please check out the lists of IJKUS on the following website link: