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International Seminar



Unification Policy Forum on “the Impacts of the 9.19 South-North Korea’s Military Agreement on Security”

Korea Institute for National Unification (KINU) held the Unification Policy Forum under the theme of “the Impacts of the 9.19 South-North Korea’s Military Agreement on Security” on September 12, 2023, from 14:30 to 17:00, at Maewha Hall of Korea Press Center, Seoul. Following the written keynote speech by Rep. Shin Won-sik, Moon Sang-gyun, a spokesman for the Ministry of National Defense, and Jeon Sung-hoon, Visiting Research Fellow and former president at KINU, gave their presentations, providing assessment and suggestions on the forum theme. There was a lively discussion based on the previous presentations.

Moon Sang-gyun (a spokesman for the Ministry of National Defense), Jeon Sung-hoon (Visiting Research Fellow and former president of KINU), Moon Seong-mook (Chief Korea Research Institute for National Strategy), Kim Yong-ho (Professor at Korea National Defense University), Kim Jin-ha (Senior Research Fellow at KINU), Lee Yoon-sik (Director at Center for Diplomacy and National Security, Yeouido Institute), Kim Chun-sig (President at KINU), Oh Gyeong-Seob (Director, Planning and Coordination Division), Hwang Soo-hwan (Deputy Director, Planning and Coordination Division), Jeong Eun-mee (Director, North Korean Research Division), Jang Cheol-wun (Research Fellow, Unification Policy Research Division), Lee, Yong-jae (Research Fellow, Center for the Study of Liberal Democracy), Kim Min-sung (Research Fellow, Global Strategy Research Division)



