통일연구원 전자도서관


통일연구원 전자도서관


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연구원발간물Online Series CO 23-17(E)

The Kim Jong Un Regime Does Not Have a Reunification Policy?

Suh, Bo-hyuk
Seoul : Korea Institute for National Unification, 20230719
6 p
Online Series
000 CO 23-17(E)
책 소개
This article assesses whether the Kim Jong-un regime has a reunification policy and evaluate it in light of continuity and change. To that end, this paper utilizes North Korea's state media reports and Kim Jong-un's statements. The analysis shows that there has been continuity in Kim Jong-un's reunification policy, although no change was observed. In fact, interest in reunification has diminished significantly. Instead, reunification is found to be often associated with other North Korea's policy goals, such as sovereignty, prosperity, and peace, or is often limited to propaganda for the purpose of legitimization of the regime. This phenomenon seems to have been influenced by the conditions facing North Korea as well as the attitudes of Kim Jong-un and the power elite toward reunification.