통일연구원 전자도서관


통일연구원 전자도서관

도서관 안내

  1. 메인
  2. 도서관 안내
  3. 통일북한정보


통일북한정보(2021.11.11., 2021-41호)






1. 적정 가치평가와 합리적 제안: 종전 선언과 북한의 핵실험(동아시아연구원)


2. President Moon Proposes A Papal Visit to Pyongyang(Korea Economic Institute, KEI)





1. 북한 주적개념의 변화 배경과 전망(국가안보전략연구원)


2. 김정은위원장의 3중전략: 인민대중제일주의, 자위력 강화, 대화의 3중주(세종연구소)


3. Current Status of the Pyongsan Uranium Concentrate Plant (Nam-chon Chemical Complex) and January Industrial Mine(BEYOND PARALLEL(CSIS))


4. How Not to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb(RAND Corporation)


5. Sinpho Secure Boat Basin: Probable Testing Activity(38North)


6. Coping With Natural Disasters: How the EU Can Support More Effective DPRK Disaster Management Mechanisms(38North)


7. North Korea’s “Anti-Capitalist” Crackdown: Old Roots but New Vigor(38North)


8. This Country Helped Build North Korea's Mighty Military(The National Interest)


9. Eighteen Months After COVID-19, North Korea Hints at Opening Border(The National Interest)





1. 나토의 ‘이중결의’가 우리의 핵무장 논의에 갖는 함의(한국외교협회)


2. 미국·영국·호주 삼자 파트너십의 전략적 목표와 우리의 고려사항(세종연구소)


3. Survey Results of South Korean Perception on the ROK-U.S. Alliance(한국국방연구원)


4. 바이든 행정부의 핵무기 ‘일차 불사용’ 논쟁 동향과 한국안보에 대한 함의(외교안보연구소)


5. The Moon Jae-in Administration's Diplomacy with Japan and Korea-Japan Relations(외교안보연구소)


6. The Inauguration of the Kishida Cabinet and Recent Developments in Japanese Politics(외교안보연구소)


7. China, Russia Urge UNSC to End Key Sanctions on North Korea(THE DIPLOMAT)


8. On North Korea, America Refuses to Admit the Obvious(The National Interest)


9. Americans Underestimate the Danger in Continuing to Defend South Korea(The National Interest)


10. CVX: Why South Korea Needs Its Very Own Light Aircraft Carrier(The National Interest)


11. If America Can Have Cutting Edge Weapons Why Not North Korea?(The National Interest)




*주요 정기간행물


1. RINSA FORUM Vol.76(국방대학교 안보문제연구소)


2. 안보현안분석 184호(국방대학교 안보문제연구소)

*페이지 접근이 어려울 경우, '자료실(출판물)> 안보현안분석'에서 확인하실 수 있습니다.


3. November 2021 Monthly Forecast(Security Council Report)


4. World Food and Agriculture – Statistical Yearbook 2021(FAO)


5. Military and Security Developments involving the People's Republic of China(U.S. Department of Defense)


6. COVID-19 Weekly Situation Report: Week #42(WHO)


7. COVID-19 Weekly Situation Report: Week #43(WHO)