통일연구원 전자도서관


통일연구원 전자도서관

도서관 안내

  1. 메인
  2. 도서관 안내
  3. 통일북한정보


통일북한정보(2022.9.29., 2022-39호)






1. 도네츠크 인민 공화국 재건 사업, 북한 노동자 참여 가능성 대두(대한무역투자진흥공사)


2. 북한의 식량난과 당국 대응에 대한 평가(국가안보전략연구원)


3. NK Update for August(동아시아연구원)


4. North Korea Policy Oversight Act of 2022(U.S. Congress)


5. International Food Security Assessment, 2022–32(USDA ERS)


6. Ongoing Construction Activity at the Sohae Satellite Launching Station(BEYOND PARALLEL(CSIS))


7. North Korea’s New Nuclear Policy Law(CATO Institute)


8. Russia and North Korea: Moving Toward Alliance 2.0?(38North)


9. Kim Jong Un Revives Dreams of a Grand Canal(38North)


10. Is North Korea Selling Russia Weapons To Fight In Ukraine?(1945)


11. North Korea’s Missile Tests Are Part Of A Political Warfare And Blackmail Strategy(1945)


12. North Korea Is A Nuclear Weapons State. America Needs A New Strategy(1945)






1. 한일 경제협력에서 글로벌 규범구축에 대한 한일 협력으로(동아시아연구원)


2. The 1963 Franco-German Reconciliation Treaty: A Guide for Japan and South Korea?(United States Institute of Peace)


3. The Abe Funeral and Kishida’s Road Ahead(Center for Strategic and International Studies, CSIS)


4. How to Strengthen US Deterrence and Weaken the Attempts of Rival Nuclear Coercion(Hudson Institute)


5. The Case for a South Korean Nuclear Bomb(The National Interest)


6. U.S-South Korea Military Drills Ramp Up Amid Nuclear Threats(The National Interest)





*주요 정기간행물


1. 「NH북한농업리뷰」 2022년 2호(농협경제연구소)