통일연구원 전자도서관


통일연구원 전자도서관

도서관 안내

  1. 메인
  2. 도서관 안내
  3. 통일북한정보


통일북한정보(2022.11.17., 2022-46호)






1. The Future of the Kaesong Industrial Complex and Liberal Peace on the Korean Peninsula(THE DIPLOMAT)


2. South and North Korea at Risk of New Crisis(THE DIPLOMAT)





1. North Korea Has Escalated Its Military Provocations. Here’s Why.(Council on Foreign Relations, CFR)


2. Microsoft Digital Defense Report 2022(Microsoft)

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3. North Korea and US Complacency: Why We Can’t Get Off the Escalation Merry-Go-Round(THE DIPLOMAT)


4. Through a Glass, A Little Less Darkly: North Korean Nuclear Command and Control in Light of Recent Developments(38North)


5. Twenty Years of Mobile Communications in North Korea(38North)





1. 한미의 대북억지 능력에 영향을 주는 요인 분석(제주평화연구원)


2. 바이든 정부의 경제안보정책과 한미관계(동아시아연구원)


3. 중국공산당 제20차 당대회 의의, 평가 및 전망(경남대학교 극동문제연구소)


4. 미중경쟁 시기 중국의 한반도 정책과 한중협력: 두 개의 한국정책을 중심으로(외교안보연구소)


5. 윤석열 정부의 인도태평양 전략: 주요내용과 전략적 함의(외교안보연구소)


6. 2022 Annual Report To Congress(U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, USCC)

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7. History Proves China Will Never Help Biden On North Korea(1945)


8. An American strategy for the Indo-Pacific in an age of US-China competition(Brookings Institution)


9. Factbox: Top Takeaways from the Biden-Xi Meeting in Bali(Center for a New American Security, CNAS)


10. U.S.-ROK Strategy for Enhancing Cooperation on Combating and Deterring Cyber-Enabled Financial Crime(Center for a New American Security, CNAS)

[국문] 사이버금융범죄 퇴치 및 억제를 위한 한미 협력 강화 전략

[영문] U.S.-ROK Strategy for Enhancing Cooperation on Combating and Deterring Cyber-Enabled Financial Crime