통일북한정보(2023.11.16., 2023-38호)
1. ‘9.19 군사합의’ 효력 정지의 전략적 효과 검토(국가안보전략연구원)
2. Deterrence is crumbling in Korea: How we can fix it(Atlantic Council)
1. Donald Trump and North Korea: What Happens if Trump Wins in 2024?(The National Interest)
2. North Korea-Iran Relations Post-JCPOA(38NORTH)
3. Will America Be at War with North Korea in 2025?(The National Interest)
4. Donald Trump and North Korea Part II? China Will Still Be the Key(The National Interest)
*주요 정기간행물
1. 2023년 3분기 통일여론동향 분석보고서(민주평화통일자문회의)
2.북한도시브리프 13호 (2023년 11월) (숭실대학교 숭실평화통일연구원)