International Journal of Korean Unification Studie International Journal of Korean Unification Studies 2024 Vol.33 No.2 발행일 2024-12-31 분류 International Journal of Korean Unification Studies 목차 PDF 원문 다운로드 번호 논문명 저자 페이지 원문 1 Empty Promise Fulfilled? North Korean Human Rights through the UPRs and the VNR Won Geun Choi 1-23 2 North Korean Human Rights Issue: International Responses and the ROK’s Tasks Jung-hyun Cho 25-45 3 Military Power for a Unified Korea: Strategic Directions and Principles for Building Effective Defense Forces Dong Sun Lee, Iordanka Alexandrova 47-84 4 Revisiting the Proposed Strategic Restraint Regime (SRR) between India and Pakistan: A Road Towards Sustaining Peace and Stability in South Asia Zafar Khan 85-114