사이트맵 프로그램


International Journal of Korean Unification Studie

International Journal of Korean Unification Studies 2021 Vol.30 No.2

International Journal of Korean Unification Studies
번호 논문명 저자 페이지 원문
1 The Limits of Economic Reform in North Korea under the Kim Jong-un Regime: Lessons from Chinese Experiences Suk Jin Kim 1-28 p.
2 Foreign Policy of Kim Jong Un's 10 Years: Relentless Maneuvering among Options Ildo Hwang 29-60 p.
3 A General Assessment of 10 Years of the Kim Jong-un Regime: In the Areas of the Military and Security Choong-Koo Lee 61-86 p.
4 An Assessment of the Past 10 Years of South Korea Policy of the Kim Jong-un Regime Gee-Dong Lee 87-117 p.
5 Sectoral Assessment of Kim Jong-un's Decade in Power: The Creation and Stabilization of the Kim Jong-un Regime's Monolithic Rule Gyeong-Seob Oh and Jin-Ha Kim 119-150 p.
6 Imagining the Audience across the Uncrossable Border: South Korean Radio Broadcasting to North Korea and the Rise of Creativity in Inter-Korean Relations Michelle H. Choi 151-190 p.
7 North Korean Political Thinking as a Reflection of Regime Survival Strategy Er-Win Tan and Hyun Chung Yoo 191-228 p.