統一政策過程에서의 黨政協調에 관한 硏究: 金大中政府 햇볕정책을 중심으로(A) study on the consultation process between the ruling party and the government in the national-unification policy : focusing on the sunshine policy of Kim Dea-jung government金允鎬
한국정부의 통일정책과 통일여건의 상관성 연구: 국력과 정체성을 중심으로A Study on Correlations Between Reunification Policies of Korean Government and Prerequisites for Reunification of Two Korea - Focused on State Power and National Identity백장현
한국정부의 통일정책 지속성에 관한 연구: 정책변동에 대한 요인 분석을 중심으로(A) study on the continuity of unification policies of South Korean government : focusing on factorial analysis of policy change최병섭
남북한의 통일정책 전개과정 연구, 1954~61년: 무력통일론에서 평화통일론으로(A) study on the development process of the unification policies of two Koreans, 1945-61 : from military unification to peaceful unification discourse김태우