통일북한정보(2021.12.9., 2021-45호)
1. 한반도 평화구상 실천을 위한 균형전략(국가안보전략연구원)
2. Can Moon Jae-in Finally End the Korean War?(The National Interest)
3. What Would an End-of-War Declaration for the Korean Peninsula Actually Mean?(THE DIPLOMAT)
4. An End-of-War Declaration on the Korean Peninsula(The National Bureau of Asian Research, NBR)
5. Korea Peace Declaration Wouldn’t Secure Real Peace(The Heritage Foundation)
1. 김정은 시대 북한의 사이버 위협과 주요국 대응(국가안보전략연구원)
2. 8차 당대회 이후 북한 핵전략의 변화 가능성: 최소억제에서 공세적 핵전략으로의 전환 여부(국가안보전략연구원)
3. 김정은 정권의 대남정책 결정 요인: 지속과 변화(세종연구소)
5. Why North Korea's Infantry is Essential to its National Defense(The National Interest)
6. Activity at the Uiju Airfield Suggests Further Preparations for Reopening the Border(38North)
7. Newsweek’s Misfire on Aid Monitoring in North Korea(38North)
8. Kim Jong Un and the ‘Supreme Leader System’(THE DIPLOMAT)
9. North Korea Plans to Dig Deep Into Renewable Energy Alternatives(THE DIPLOMAT)
1. 제53차 한미안보협의회의(SCM) 공동성명(국방부)
2. 신북방정책의 평가 및 발전 방향: 대(對)러 협력을 중심으로(외교안보연구소)
3. 미ㆍ중 정상회담 독해법: 미국의 ‘경쟁’ vs. 중국의 ‘복합’(동아시아연구원)
4. 일본 총선거후 기시다 내각과 한일관계(세종연구소)
6. 미·중 패권경쟁 시대, 한-EU 협력 방안(제주평화연구원)
7. 지역통합과 지역갈등 연계성 : 한국의 경험과 한계점(제주평화연구원)
8. Why South Korea Fell Behind Japan in Southeast Asia(THE DIPLOMAT)
9. South Korea and America Must Look Beyond Pyongyang(Hudson Institute)
10. Could South Korea Become a Submarine Power?(The National Interest)
11. Why Can’t the Japanese and Koreans Get Along?(The National Interest)
12. Minimum Deterrent No More: Where China’s Nuclear Buildup Is Headed(The National Interest)
13. Which Will South Korea Choose: The U.S. or China?(The National Interest)
14. China Claims ‘Democracy that Works’ As Biden Prepares Summit(The National Interest)
*주요 정기간행물
1. Crop Prospects and Food Situation #4, December 2021(FAO)
2. Global Humanitarian Overview 2022(OCHA)