통일연구원 전자도서관


통일연구원 전자도서관

도서관 안내

  1. 메인
  2. 도서관 안내
  3. 통일북한정보


통일북한정보(2021.12.16., 2021-46호)




1. A Peace Declaration To End The Korean War: An Idea Whose Time Has Come?(1945)
2. Don't Rule Out the Possibility Of Another Korean War (The National Interest)



1. 2020~21년 북한의 대외 동향과 시사점(대외경제정책연구원)
2. 북한의 단거리 미사일/방사포 위협과 대응의 시급성(아산정책연구원)
3. 최근 북한의 핵 협상 프레임 전환 움직임(외교안보연구소)
4. Sinpho South Shipyard: The SINPO-Class Ballistic Missile Submarine Moved to Drydock (38 North)
5. What AUKUS Means to North Korea (38 North)
6. Thermal Imagery Analysis of Yongbyon (Beyond Parallel)
7. North Korea’s Nuclear Weapons and Missile Programs (Congressional Research Service)
8. The Secret of Kim Jong-un’s Success (Hudson Institute)
9. Moving North Korea Women's Rights Issues Center Stage on Human Rights Day (The Diplomat)
10. Class Struggle, the Biggest Challenge to North Korea's Economic Development (The Diplomat)
11. Don't Worry, North Korea's Tank Force Is Falling Apart (The National Interest)
12. 200,000 and Counting: North Korea Has the World’s Largest ‘Special Forces’ (The National Interest)
13. Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK): Meeting on the Human Rights Situation Under “Any Other Business”(Secutiry Council Report)
14. Removing Sanctions on North Korea: Challenges and Potential Pathways (United States Institute of Peace)



1. 아프가니스탄 사태의 전개과정 및 미중관계와 한반도 파급영향(국가안보전략연구원)
2. 미국 ‘해외주둔 미군 재배치 검토’(GPR) 분석과 향후 전망(극동문제연구소)
3. 미중 전략적 경쟁시기 대만해협의 안보 딜레마 -'72' 체제의 지속과 변화 -(극동문제연구소)
4. Assessment of the 2021 Japanese General Election and Outlook for Japanese Domestic Politics(외교안보연구소)
5. How To Counter The Chinese Missile Threat: More Missile Defense? (1945)
6. Why The US Army And Marines Are Preparing For A War With China (1945)
7. Amid Omicron Worries, North Korea Orders Strengthened Quarantine on China Border (the Diplomat)
8. China’s Nuclear Arsenal Is At Least Doubling in Size—But Under What Circumstances Would Beijing Actually Use It? (The National Interest)
9. China Criticizes America for Xinjiang Sanctions (The National Interest)
10. A Guide to the People’s Liberation Army’s Diverse Nuclear Forces (The National Interest)


*주요 정기간행물

1. COVID-19 Weekly Situation Report: Week #47(WHO)
2. COVID-19 Weekly Situation Report: Week #48(WHO)