1. |
2020~21년 북한의 대외 동향과 시사점(대외경제정책연구원) |
2. |
북한의 단거리 미사일/방사포 위협과 대응의 시급성(아산정책연구원) |
3. |
최근 북한의 핵 협상 프레임 전환 움직임(외교안보연구소) |
4. |
Sinpho South Shipyard: The SINPO-Class Ballistic Missile Submarine Moved to Drydock (38 North) |
5. |
What AUKUS Means to North Korea (38 North) |
6. |
Thermal Imagery Analysis of Yongbyon (Beyond Parallel) |
7. |
North Korea’s Nuclear Weapons and Missile Programs (Congressional Research Service) |
8. |
The Secret of Kim Jong-un’s Success (Hudson Institute) |
9. |
Moving North Korea Women's Rights Issues Center Stage on Human Rights Day (The Diplomat) |
10. |
Class Struggle, the Biggest Challenge to North Korea's Economic Development (The Diplomat) |
11. |
Don't Worry, North Korea's Tank Force Is Falling Apart (The National Interest) |
12. |
200,000 and Counting: North Korea Has the World’s Largest ‘Special Forces’ (The National Interest) |
13. |
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK): Meeting on the Human Rights Situation Under “Any Other Business”(Secutiry Council Report) |
14. |
Removing Sanctions on North Korea: Challenges and Potential Pathways (United States Institute of Peace) |