통일연구원 전자도서관


통일연구원 전자도서관

도서관 안내

  1. 메인
  2. 도서관 안내
  3. 통일북한정보


통일북한정보(2021.12.23., 2021-47호)





1. 김정은 시대 북한의 남북대화 전략과 정책적 고려사항(국가안보전략연구원)
2. 북한이탈주민 취약계층 지원정책 현황과 개선과제(국회입법조사처)
3. An End Of War Declaration In Korea Won’t End The Korean War(19FortyFive)
4. A Declaration To End The Korean War: Why Now?(19FortyFive)
5. Is South Korea Close to Officially Ending the Korean War?(FRONTLINE)
6. What Does Agreement ‘in Principle’ on an End-of-War Declaration Mean?(The Diplomat)
7. Challenging Moon’s Symbolic End-Of-War Declaration  (The Diplomat)
8. Is South Korean Culture a Threat to North Korea?(The Diplomat)



1. 북한의 돈표 발행 현황과 의미(KDB미래전략연구소)
2. North Korea’s Signaling on Nuclear Weapons and Negotiations(38 North)
3. North Korea’s Tideland Reclamation Efforts(38 North)
4. Understanding Kim Jong Un’s Economic Policymaking: Pyongyang’s Views on Banking(38 North)
5. North Korea’s Military Capabilities(Council on Foreign Relations)
6. A Decade of the Kim Jong Un Doctrine(Foreign Policy)
7. North Korea: Abusive Rule 10 Years after Kim Jong Il(Human Rights Watch)
8. Public-health Engagement with North Korea in the COVID-19 Era(James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies)
9. What Will North Korean Cybercrime Look Like in 2022?(The Diplomat)
10. From ‘tempestuous’ child to little rocket man: 10 years of Kim Jong-un(The Guardian)
11. North Korea's Air Force Is a Total Disaster(The National Interest)
12. Even With Omicron, North Korea Still Claims No Coronavirus Cases(The National Interest)



1. 다차원 공간에서의 강대국 간 경쟁과 한국의 대응방향(국가안보전략연구원)
2. 미중 글로벌 공급망 경쟁의 전략적 함의(국가안보전략연구원)
3. 바이든 행정부 임기 초반 미국 주요 국내정치적 상황 분석 및 함의(외교안보연구소)
4. 신남방정책 4년 평가:외교적 성과와 향후 과제(외교안보연구소)
5. 2021년 G20 정상회의: 포스트-코로나 글로벌 거버넌스에의 함의와 전망(외교안보연구소)
6. 바이든 행정부의 핵태세검토보고서(NPR)와 확장억제의 신뢰성(제주평화연구원)
7. 동북아 지역협력의 미래와 한국의 비전(제주평화연구원)
8. 한-러시아 해공군 간 직통망 양해각서 체결의 의미와 향후 과제(한국국방연구원)
9. What South Korea Can Learn From India on Diplomatic Balancing(The Diplomat)
10. China, Russia, Iran, North Korea? Just How Many Wars Can America Fight?(The National Interest)
11. North Korea Would Be Weak Without Russian Military Aid(The National Interest)


*주요 정기간행물

1. KREI 북한농업동향 제23권 제3호(한국농촌경제연구원)
2. COVID-19 Weekly Situation Report: Week #49(WHO)
3. Asia and the Pacific Regional Overview of Food Insecurity and Nutrition 2021(FAO & UNICEF)
4. Humanitarian Access Overview(acaps)