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북한 노동당 중앙위원회 8기 4차 전원회의 경제부문 결과 분석(국가안보전략연구원) |
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北 여성 최고 리더, 김여정 집중 탐구(대한무역투자진흥공사) |
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북한의 게임산업 동향(대한무역투자진흥공사) |
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최근 북한의 농업 트렌드(대한무역투자진흥공사) |
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한국 대선과 대북 정책: 분절성과 일관성 사이(제주평화연구원) |
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북한 신형 재래식 전력 개발의 특징과 함의: 신형 전차 중심으로(한국국방연구원) |
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2022년 북한의 안보정세 전망(한국국방연구원) |
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North Korea’s Strategic Vision for 2022: Focus on Rural Development(38 North) |
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North Korea's 'Strategic Patience'(The Diplomat) |
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North Korea’s Kim Jong-un Convenes Annual Party Conference(The National Interest) |
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North Korea's Fail-Safe: Strategic Rocket Forces and a Million Man Army(The National Interest) |
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North Korea’s New ‘Hypersonic Missile Is Not the Only Threat(The National Interest) |
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North Korea’s Priority May be Food Over Nukes(The National Interest) |
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North Korean Special Forces, Secret Tunnels, and the DMZ(The National Interest) |
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In Key Speech, Kim Jong-un Pushes Economic, Military Development(The National Interest) |
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How "Special" Are North Korea's Special Forces?(The National Interest) |
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North Korean Economy Contracting as a Result of COVID-19 Pandemic(The National Interest) |