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북한 노동당 제8기 4차 전원회의 주요내용(KDB미래전략연구소) |
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당 중앙위원회 제8기 제4차 전원회의의 정치적 의미(극동문제연구소) |
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김정은 시기 북중관계와 북한의 대중(中)정책(2012-2021)(외교안보연구소) |
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김정은 집권 10년 군사정책 평가와 전망(한국국방연구원) |
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North Korea In 2022: What A Former CIA Expert Thinks Kim Jong-Un Will Do Next(1945) |
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Why The Status Quo With North Korea Is So Hard To Change(1945) |
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The North Korean Economy in 2021 and 2022: Muddling Through With Few Options(38 North) |
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Another North Korean 'Hypersonic' Missile?(38 North) |
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Sinpo-class Submarine Damaged During October 19 Test Launch(Beyond Parallel) |
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North Korea’s online IT exhibitions(North Korea Tech) |
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North Korea Fires Unidentified Projectile Off Its East Coast(The Diplomat) |
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North Korea Will Skip Beijing Winter Olympics(The Diplomat) |
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North Korea's Strict COVID-19 Policies Undermine Kim Jong Un's Goal of Ending Hunger(The Diplomat) |
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North Korea Fires 'Apparent' Hypersonic Missile Off Its East Coast(The Diplomat) |
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North Korea Rings in the New Year With a Ballistic Missile Launch(The National Interest) |
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New Year, New Missile: North Korean Tests Resume(The National Interest) |
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North Korea Claims it Conducted Second Hypersonic Missile Test(The National Interest) |
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About That North Korea Missile Launch—Was it Hypersonic? (The National Interest) |
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Was North Korea's Last Missile Test Hypersonic? Experts Are Skeptical.(The National Interest) |
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North Korea Starts the New Year With a Missile Test(The National Interest) |
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North Korea Carries Out Second Missile Test in Six Days(The National Interest) |