통일연구원 전자도서관


통일연구원 전자도서관

도서관 안내

  1. 메인
  2. 도서관 안내
  3. 통일북한정보


통일북한정보(2022.1.27., 2022-4호)





1. South Korea’s Pursuit of an End of War Declaration Amidst the Unfinished Task of POW and Abductee Repatriation(Hudson Institute)
2. Disaster Risk Reduction: A Sustainable Path for Inter-Korea Cooperation(The Diplomat)
3. North Korea's Missile Tests are Shaking Up the South Korean Election(The National Interest)
4. South Korea is Ready to Face Kim Jong-Un(The National Interest)



1. 북한, 식량난 문제 해결을 위해 지난해 식료공업성(食料工業省) 신설(대한무역투자진흥공사)
2. 더욱 심각해지는 북한의 식량난(대한무역투자진흥공사)
3. 북한 내 도시 운행 체코산 대중교통 현황(대한무역투자진흥공사)
4. Why North Korea’s Threat To Test ICBMs And Nuclear Weapons Is Serious(1945)
5. Will North Korea Start Testing Nuclear Weapons And ICBMs Again?(1945)
6. North Korea’s Threat To Test ICBMs And Nuclear Weapons: Just A Bluff?(1945)
7. Freight Unloading Operations Begin at Uiju Airfield(38 North)
8. Implications of North Korea’s January 14 and 17 Short-Range Ballistic Missile Launches(38 North)
9. DPRK (North Korea): Closed Consultations(Security Council Report)
10. Kim Jong Un: A Decade of Trial and Error(The Diplomat)
11. North Korea Signals Will to Cross US Red Line Amid Deadlocked Nuclear Talks(The Diplomat)
12. How North Korea Might Exploit New Video Games for Crypto(The Diplomat)
13. North Korea's Escalation Startegy Won't Work Anymore(The Diplomat)
14. North Korea Hints at Possible Resumption Of Nuclear Tests(The National Interest)
15. North Korea Threatens to Lift ICBM Moratorium(The National Interest)
16. North Korea's Infantry is Essential According to Leadership(The National Interest)
17. Kim Jong-un Threatens to Resume Nuclear and ICBM Tests(The National Interest)



1. AUKUS 결성을 계기로 본 호주의 대 중국 인식 및 전략(아산정책연구원)
2. 2021년 동북아 국제관계의 회고: 빅데이터 분석(제주평화연구원)
3. What Will Joe Biden Do If North Korea Tests Nuclear Weapons Or ICBMs?(1945)
4. How Joe Biden Can Push Back Against North Korea’s Political Warfare Strategy(1945)
5. Biden’s North Korea Policy Needs Rebooting(Foreign Policy)
6. How Joe Biden Can Push Back Against North Korea’s Political Warfare Strategy(Foundation for Defense of Democracies)
7. North Korea's Missile Tests: Biden's Options(The Diplomat)
8. Warmbier Family Given $240,000 in Confiscated North Korean Funds(The National Interest)



*주요 정기간행물

1. 국가안보와 전략 제21권 4호(국가안보전략연구원)
2. COVID-19 Weekly Situation Report(WHO)