통일연구원 전자도서관


통일연구원 전자도서관

도서관 안내

  1. 메인
  2. 도서관 안내
  3. 통일북한정보


통일북한정보(2022.2.3., 2022-5호)





1. 북한의 미사일 연속 시험발사 배경과 한반도 정세 전망(세종연구소)
2. Korean Unification: What Would It Actually Take?(1945)
3. What North Korea’s Missile Testing Means for the Korean Peninsula(The National Interest)



1. 김정은 위원장의 마음 읽기(동아시아연구원)
2. 2022년 북핵 동향 평가와 북핵협상 재개 전략 : 북핵 동결을 위한 ‘잠정합의’ 추진 방안(외교안보연구소)
3. How To Get North Korea To Negotiate Over Its Nuclear Weapons And Missiles(1945)
4. North Korea’s IRBM Missile Test: What Is Kim Jong Un’s Goal?(1945)
5. North Korea’s Hwasong-12 IRBM Missile Test: The Road Back To 2017?(1945)
6. North Korea’s Punggye-ri Nuclear Test Site: Caretaker Status Continues(38 North)
7. North Korea’s Fifth and Sixth Rounds of January Missile Launches(38 North)
8. North Korea Conducts Its Sixth Round of Missile Tests This Month(The Diplomat)
9. North Korea Is Preparing to Confront the US in 2022(The Diplomat)
10. A Primer on North Korea’s Hwasong-12 ‘Guam Killer’ Ballistic Missile(The Diplomat)
11. North Korea’s Threat To Test ICBMs and Nuclear Weapons: Just a Bluff?(The Heritage Foundation)
12. North Korea’s Hypersonic Missile Less Developed Than China’s(The Heritage Foundation)
13. The North Korean Missile Rorschach Test(The National Interest)
14. North Korea Tests Its Largest Missile Since 2017(The National Interest)




1. 시진핑 주석의 세계경제포럼 연설 분석 및 시사점(국가안보전략연구원)
2. 바이든-기시다 미일정상회담 평가와 향후 전망(국가안보전략연구원)
3. 바이든 행정부 외교의 중요 시험대가 된 우크라이나 위기(세종연구소)
4. 최근 러시아와 서방의 갈등 분석: 우크라이나를 둘러싼 쟁점과 전망(한국국방연구원)
5. Biden Must Recalibrate Policy on North Korea(The Diplomat)
6. U.S. Condemns Latest North Korea Missile Launch(The National Interest)



*주요 정기간행물

1. 북한 노동신문 사설 분석(9~10월)(국가안보전략연구원)
2. 월간브리프 2022년 1월호(한국무역협회)
3. The United Nations Human Rights Council: Background and Policy Issues(Congressional Research Service)
4. February 2022 Monthly Forecast (United Nations Security Council- Report)