통일연구원 전자도서관


통일연구원 전자도서관

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  2. 도서관 안내
  3. 통일북한정보


통일북한정보(2022.5.19., 2022-20호)






1. South Korea’s Moon Urges Successor to Engage With Kim Jong-un(The National Interest)





1. 북한 주요 도시개발 동향(KDB 미래전략연구소)

*해당 글은 '동향분석>북한동향'에서 확인하실 수 있습니다.


2. 4.25 열병식 이후 북한의 핵 독트린 변화 가능성 진단(국가안보전략연구원)


3. 김정은 집권 10주년에 직면한 코로나 위기: ‘정면돌파’와 ‘타협’의 기로에 선 북한(국가안보전략연구원)


4. 김정은이 공식화한 혁명무력발전의 새 단계(한국국방연구원)


5. 북한 코로나 확진자 발생: 상황 평가와 시사점(한국국방연구원)


6. COVID-19 Conditions Deteriorating Rapidly in North Korea(The Heritage Foundation)


7. COVID-19 Has Come For North Korea(1945)


8. North Korea’s COVID-19 Nightmare Is About To Begin(1945)


9. North Korea’s Great COVID-19 Crisis: How Bad Will It Get?(1945)


10. Kim’s Commandoes: North Korea’s Special Forces Can Bring The Pain(1945)


11. North Korea’s COVID-19 Crisis: The Ultimate Kim Regime Stress Test?(1945)


12. Punggye-ri Update: Ongoing Activity(BEYOND PARALLEL(CSIS))


13. North Korea Launches 3 Short-Range Ballistic Missiles Shortly After Confirming 1st COVID Case(THE DIPLOMAT)


14. North Korea Confirms Omicron Case, Raising Fears of a COVID Catastrophe(THE DIPLOMAT)


15. North Korea Reports 6 Deaths After Admitting COVID-19 Outbreak(THE DIPLOMAT)


16. North Korea’s COVID-19 Crisis(THE DIPLOMAT)


17. North Korean Cyber Warriors Are Fueling Kim Jong-un’s Nuclear Weapons(The National Interest)


18. U.S. Sanctions Crypto Service for Aiding North Korean Cyber Heist(The National Interest)


19. Pyongyang Lockdown: North Korea Reports First COVID-19 Cases(The National Interest)


20. North Korea’s First Coronavirus Outbreak May Spell Disaster(The National Interest)


21. ‘Explosive’ Outbreak: North Korea Reports First COVID Deaths(The National Interest)


22. Kim Jong-Un Mobilizes Military to Help Contain Coronavirus Outbreak(The National Interest)


23. Coronavirus Crisis: North Korea Calls in Army to Help ‘Fever’ Patients(The National Interest)


24. Significant Construction Progress at North Korea’s Sunchon(38North)


25. North Korea’s Punggye-ri Nuclear Test Site: A New Practice Creates a New Analytical Challenge(38North)


26. Managing Instability in North Korea(38North)


27. Rethinking Sanctions Against North Korea: Strategic Shifts and their Implications(38North)


28. North Korean COVID-19/Fever Data Tracker(38North)





1. 한미 확장억제 강화 방안 모색: 영국 사례와 신공유체제(한국국방연구원)


2. 일본 ‘전략3문서’ 개정 방향 전망: 자민당 정책제언 분석(한국국방연구원)


3. 러시아-우크라이나 전쟁의 여파: 신안보 위기와 대응 방향(국가안보전략연구원)


4. 러시아-우크라이나 전쟁의 근원: 나토의 이중 확대에 따른 러시아의 반발(국가안보전략연구원)


5. 신정부의 한미동맹 발전 방향(외교안보연구소)


6. 신정부 대중국 정책전망 및 제언(외교안보연구소)


7. Are America and South Korea Ready for Kim’s Next Nuclear Weapons Test?(The National Interest)


8. Taking stock of US-ASEAN relations as Biden convenes a special summit(Brookings Institution)


9. Recommendations For Yoon-Biden Summit – Must Build On The Strong Alliance Foundation(1945)


10. Which Yoon Should Biden Expect at the Upcoming South Korea-US Summit?(THE DIPLOMAT)




*주요 정기간행물


1. 북한도시브리프 3호(숭실대학교 숭실평화통일연구원)