통일북한정보(2022.5.19., 2022-20호)
1. South Korea’s Moon Urges Successor to Engage With Kim Jong-un(The National Interest)
*해당 글은 '동향분석>북한동향'에서 확인하실 수 있습니다.
2. 4.25 열병식 이후 북한의 핵 독트린 변화 가능성 진단(국가안보전략연구원)
3. 김정은 집권 10주년에 직면한 코로나 위기: ‘정면돌파’와 ‘타협’의 기로에 선 북한(국가안보전략연구원)
4. 김정은이 공식화한 혁명무력발전의 새 단계(한국국방연구원)
5. 북한 코로나 확진자 발생: 상황 평가와 시사점(한국국방연구원)
6. COVID-19 Conditions Deteriorating Rapidly in North Korea(The Heritage Foundation)
7. COVID-19 Has Come For North Korea(1945)
8. North Korea’s COVID-19 Nightmare Is About To Begin(1945)
9. North Korea’s Great COVID-19 Crisis: How Bad Will It Get?(1945)
10. Kim’s Commandoes: North Korea’s Special Forces Can Bring The Pain(1945)
11. North Korea’s COVID-19 Crisis: The Ultimate Kim Regime Stress Test?(1945)
12. Punggye-ri Update: Ongoing Activity(BEYOND PARALLEL(CSIS))
14. North Korea Confirms Omicron Case, Raising Fears of a COVID Catastrophe(THE DIPLOMAT)
15. North Korea Reports 6 Deaths After Admitting COVID-19 Outbreak(THE DIPLOMAT)
16. North Korea’s COVID-19 Crisis(THE DIPLOMAT)
17. North Korean Cyber Warriors Are Fueling Kim Jong-un’s Nuclear Weapons(The National Interest)
18. U.S. Sanctions Crypto Service for Aiding North Korean Cyber Heist(The National Interest)
19. Pyongyang Lockdown: North Korea Reports First COVID-19 Cases(The National Interest)
20. North Korea’s First Coronavirus Outbreak May Spell Disaster(The National Interest)
21. ‘Explosive’ Outbreak: North Korea Reports First COVID Deaths(The National Interest)
22. Kim Jong-Un Mobilizes Military to Help Contain Coronavirus Outbreak(The National Interest)
23. Coronavirus Crisis: North Korea Calls in Army to Help ‘Fever’ Patients(The National Interest)
24. Significant Construction Progress at North Korea’s Sunchon(38North)
26. Managing Instability in North Korea(38North)
27. Rethinking Sanctions Against North Korea: Strategic Shifts and their Implications(38North)
28. North Korean COVID-19/Fever Data Tracker(38North)
1. 한미 확장억제 강화 방안 모색: 영국 사례와 신공유체제(한국국방연구원)
2. 일본 ‘전략3문서’ 개정 방향 전망: 자민당 정책제언 분석(한국국방연구원)
3. 러시아-우크라이나 전쟁의 여파: 신안보 위기와 대응 방향(국가안보전략연구원)
4. 러시아-우크라이나 전쟁의 근원: 나토의 이중 확대에 따른 러시아의 반발(국가안보전략연구원)
7. Are America and South Korea Ready for Kim’s Next Nuclear Weapons Test?(The National Interest)
8. Taking stock of US-ASEAN relations as Biden convenes a special summit(Brookings Institution)
9. Recommendations For Yoon-Biden Summit – Must Build On The Strong Alliance Foundation(1945)
10. Which Yoon Should Biden Expect at the Upcoming South Korea-US Summit?(THE DIPLOMAT)
*주요 정기간행물
1. 북한도시브리프 3호(숭실대학교 숭실평화통일연구원)