통일연구원 전자도서관


통일연구원 전자도서관

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  2. 도서관 안내
  3. 통일북한정보


통일북한정보(2022.5.26., 2022-21호)






1. 5.21 한미정상회담과 남북관계 : 틈새 전략의 모색(경남대학교 극동문제연구소)


2. Three-point foreign policy suggestions for Yoon gov't to deter North Korea(The Korea Times)





1. 북한 야간 열병식의 사회심리적 의미(경남대학교 극동문제연구소)


2. 對북한 정책에서 관여와 강압의 이원적 접근법: 후진타오와 트럼프의 대북 정책 함의를 중심으로(세종연구소)


3. GUIDANCE ON THE DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF KOREA INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY WORKERS( U.S. Department of State, the U.S. Department of the Treasury, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI))

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4. What Comes Next in North Korea’s Battle With Omicron?(THE DIPLOMAT)


5. North Korea Launches 3 Ballistic Missiles(THE DIPLOMAT)


6. North Korean Outbreak: From Zero Coronavirus Cases to Two Million?(The National Interest)


7. Will North Korea Accept Aid as It Nears 3 Million Coronavirus Cases?(The National Interest)


8. North Korea And Iran: The Military Alliance That America Fears(1945)


9. Biden And Yoon Make A Hawkish Turn On North Korea(1945)


10. Construction Restarts at the Wonsan-Kalma Beach Resort and River Work at Wonsan(38North)


11. North Korean COVID-19/Fever Data Tracker-Article last updated on May 21, 2022.(38North)


12. What If North Korea Conducts a Seventh Nuclear Test? Likely US-ROK Alliance Responses(38North)


13. North Korea’s Evolving Nuclear Doctrine: An Interview with Siegfried Hecker(38North)


14. North Korea’s Imports From China Jumped in April, Just Before the “Fever” Hit(38North)


15. Assessing North Korean Media Coverage of a Domestic COVID-19 Outbreak(38North)


16. North Korea’s Yongbyon Nuclear Research Center: Upgrades Around the Complex(38North)





1. 미-아세안 특별정상회담: 빈약한 성과와 남은 과제(외교안보연구소)


2. 경제안보 관점에서 본 바이든의 방한과 미국의 대외정책(제주평화연구원)


3. 한미정상 회담 2022: 포괄적 전략 동맹 구축을 위한 윤석열 정부의 첫걸음(아산정책연구원)


4. 러시아-우크라이나 전쟁과 사이버안보 전략구상의 함의(국가안보전략연구원)


5. 시진핑 시기 ‘주변외교’의 발전과정 및 시사점(국가안보전략연구원)


6. 한·미 정상회담 성과 및 전망(경남대학교 극동문제연구소)


7. 한미정상회담 성과와 향후 정책 과제 - 한미일 관계를 중심으로 -(경남대학교 극동문제연구소)


8. AUKUS and Indo-Pacific Security(Congressional Research Service, CRS)


9. South Korea and Japan Need to Reset Relations. Can the United States Help?(United States Institute of Peace)


10. Long Shadows: Deterrence in a Multipolar Nuclear Age(Center for a New American Security, CNAS)


11. A Fight Over Taiwan Could Go Nuclear(Foreign Affairs)


12. Yoon and Biden Hold 1st Summit Meeting in Seoul(THE DIPLOMAT)


13. South Korea’s New President Stakes Out a Hard Line Against North Korea, China(The National Interest)





*주요 정기간행물


1. COVID-19 Weekly Situation Report-Week #19 (12 May – 18 May 2022)(WHO)


2. 2022 북한 건설개발 동향 1/4분기(토지주택연구원)